I have a taxonomy called ORGANIZER. All the terms of this taxonomy have a name and a description. I tried to get the description of each term but i don't know how to loop on them.

I suppose i mus begin with:

$terms = get_terms( array(
    'taxonomy' => 'organizer',
    'hide_empty' => false,
) );

but could you help me for the loop please ? thanks

2 Answers 2


get_terms() returns an array of WP_Term objects. To get the description, with the usual filters applied, you can pass this object to term_description():

$terms = get_terms( array(
    'taxonomy' => 'organizer',
    'hide_empty' => false,
) );

if ( ! is_wp_error( $terms ) ) {
    foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
        echo term_description( $term );

@jacob peattie

Sorry I have no rights to add comments so i add another answer, i don't know how do to better...

It seems that get_terms() returns nothing but the organizer taxonomy exists and is not empty.

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