I'm trying to create author info block for posts.
So I created a block and tried to use redux to get author info, but could get only author id:
const applyWithSelect = withSelect(
(select, props) => {
return {
authorId: select('core/editor').getCurrentPostAttribute('author')
Then I tried to use apiFetch to get author info by its id:
const authorApi = apiFetch( { path: `/wp/v2/users/${authorId}` } ).then(data => {console.log(data)});
So it's actually working, I'm getting all author information in my console. But how to get that data values to map through it?
What should I insert inside then()
I think I should create an empty array and push that data values inside of it.
But I don't know how, my knowledge is not enough.
Can you help me, please?