I have a page created by a plugin (Dokan) called Products: example.com/dashboard/products

The /dashboard/products page is created by a rewrite rule, it's not an actual page which can be seen in the admin panel. Therefore I can't use this conditional: is_page(page-id).

How else could I do a WordPress conditional to check the page is the /dashboard/products page?

This is the register_rule function code from the plugin:

$this->query_vars = apply_filters( 'dokan_query_var_filter', array(
) );

foreach ( $this->query_vars as $var ) {
    add_rewrite_endpoint( $var, EP_PAGES );

My end goal is to wrap these two lines in a conditional so they only run when on the /dashboard/products page:

add_action( 'dokan_dashboard_content_inside_before', 'custom_dashboard_menu', 10 );
add_action( 'dokan_dashboard_content_before', 'custom_dashboard_header', 10 );

1 Answer 1


In WordPress, the request path, e.g. path/to/something as in example.com/path/to/something?query=string&if=any, is saved in WP::$request which is accessible via the global $wp variable, so in your case, you can do so to check if the page is /dashboard/products:

global $wp;
// Note: No trailing slashes.
$is_my_page = ( 'dashboard/products' === $wp->request );

// Or without the "global $wp;"
$is_my_page = ( 'dashboard/products' === $GLOBALS['wp']->request );

// To check if you're on /dashboard/products/<anything>:
global $wp;
$is_my_page = preg_match( '#^dashboard/products/#', $wp->request );

And there might be a Dokan-specific way/API/function, but you will have to find that on your own.


If /dashboard/products is not actually a registered WordPress rewrite rule, or that you're checking prior to WordPress parses the request URL, path, etc., then you can do "the PHP way" like so:

if ( ! empty( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) {
    $path = parse_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH );
    $is_my_page = ( '/dashboard/products/' === $path );
  • Thanks Sally, great point and informative for future too. Unfortunately I am getting nothing when on /dashboard/products, I did a var_dump of the global $wp: public 'request' => null when on the products page.
    – wharfdale
    Commented Mar 22, 2020 at 8:47
  • I found a solution (probably not ideal but works): This global has /dashboard/products/ - $GLOBALS['_ENV']['REQUEST_URI'] I am now checking against that array item.
    – wharfdale
    Commented Mar 22, 2020 at 8:57
  • Actually, did you use the wrong hook? Because at least, you should use the parse_request hook to check the $wp->request - and if you use that hook, there's no need to global $wp; since the first parameter is indeed $wp.
    – Sally CJ
    Commented Mar 22, 2020 at 10:43

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