I would like to use jQuery in my Wordpress plugin. I'm trying to load the jquery library using the enqueue script but its throwing an error.

Error: $ is not a function

Here's the code snippet that's inside my main plugin.php file...

function ($post)
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function doTestParse(searchString){
        var rx = new RegExp('(?![^<]+>)'+searchString, "gi");
        $(this).html($(this).html().replace(rx, '<b>$&</b>'));
<?php ?>

2 Answers 2


jQuery is included in noConflict mode in WordPress, so you can't use the shorthand $, but must write jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(rx, '<b>$&</b>'));

  • Thanks Jan, does <b>$&</b> become <b>jQuery&</b> ?
    – Scott B
    Commented Nov 3, 2010 at 19:56
  • @Scott: html() returns a Javascript String object, and replace() is a standard function. &$ means "the matched substring" in this context, so the $ has nothing to do with jQuery and has to stay.
    – Jan Fabry
    Commented Nov 3, 2010 at 20:17

I am not sure when exactly your code fires, but it is good practice to add enqueue directives to init hook, instead of trying to call them in-place.

wp_enqueue_script docs in Codex have plenty of useful examples on topic.

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