I ama newbie in WordPress Plugin development in which I have some HTML form on the main plugin page that will get the data from the admin who is logged in and a back page where I have some different functions in PHP like to get information from the database etc. To explain in detail, here is the code...
Main Plugin File:
Plugin Name: WP Testing Plugin
Plugin URI: http://www.wordpress.org/WP-Testing-Plugin
Description: A Detailed Description About This Plugin.
Author: Muhammad Hassan
Version: 0.1
Author URI: http://www.wordpress.org
/*____________WP Testing Plugin Admin/Script_____________*/
function wp_testingPlugin_admin() {
echo '
<form id="searchForm" onsubmit="return searchData(this)">
<input name="WhatToSearch" type="text" />
<input type="submit" value="Search"/>
<input type="reset" value="Reset"/>
<div id="showReturnData"></div>
echo '
<form id="infoForm" onsubmit="return searchInfo(this)">
<input name="WhatToKnow" type="text" />
<input type="submit" value="Search"/>
<input type="reset" value="Reset"/>
<div id="showReturnInfo"></div>
echo '
<script type="text/javascript">
function searchData(incomingForm) {
// Confirmation To Add A Data
var answer = confirm("Are You Sure Want To Search?");
if (answer){
// If User Click Ok Then Execute The Below Code
var FD = new FormData(incomingForm); // Get FORM Element Object
FD.append("Function", "DataFunction"); // Adding Extra Data In FORM Element Object To Hit Only This Function In Ajax Call File
var ajx = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajx.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (ajx.readyState == 4 && ajx.status == 200) {
document.getElementById("showReturnData").innerHTML = ajx.responseText;
ajx.open("POST", "'.plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ).'my_functions.php", true);
document.getElementById("showReturnData").innerHTML = "<div class="error">ERROR: AJAX Did Not Respond.</div>";
return false; // For Not To Reload Page
function searchInfo(incomingForm) {
// Confirmation To Add A Data
var answer = confirm("Are You Sure Want To Search?");
if (answer){
// If User Click Ok Then Execute The Below Code
var FD = new FormData(incomingForm); // Get FORM Element Object
FD.append("Function", "InfoFunction"); // Adding Extra Data In FORM Element Object To Hit Only This Function In Ajax Call File
var ajx = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajx.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (ajx.readyState == 4 && ajx.status == 200) {
document.getElementById("showReturnData").innerHTML = ajx.responseText;
ajx.open("POST", "'.plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ).'my_functions.php", true);
document.getElementById("showReturnInfo").innerHTML = "<div class="error">ERROR: AJAX Did Not Respond.</div>";
return false; // For Not To Reload Page
//if you want only logged in users to access this function use this hook
add_action('wp_ajax_searchData', 'searchData');
add_action('wp_ajax_searchInfo', 'searchInfo');
//if you want none logged in users to access this function use this hook
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_searchData', 'searchData');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_searchInfo', 'searchInfo');
/*____________WP Testing Plugin Option_____________*/
//Adding "WP Testing Plugin" Menu To WordPress -> Tools
function wp_testingPlugin() {
// add_management_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function); Menu Under Tools
add_management_page("WP Testing Plugin By Hassan", "WP Testing Plugin", 'activate_plugins', "WP-Testing-Plugin", "wp_testingPlugin_admin");
add_action('admin_menu', 'wp_testingPlugin');
And this is my_functions.php file.
//Garb The Function Parameter
$Function = $_POST['Function'];
// Run Search Function
if ($Function == "DataFunction"){
$WhatToSearch = "Nothing";
} else {
$WhatToSearch = $_POST['WhatToSearch'];
echo "<div class='success'>SUCCESS: Function Is Working Perfectly And Getting Data ".$WhatToSearch.".</div>";
// Run Another Function
if ($Function == "InfoFunction"){
$WhatToKnow = "Nothing";
} else {
$WhatToKnow = $_POST['WhatToKnow'];
echo "<div class='success'>SUCCESS: Function Is Working Perfectly And Getting Data ".$WhatToKnow.".</div>";
But my code is not working and not hitting my_functions.php
file even. Whats the problem here? Need basic step only to work in this patteren. Currently, I am not sure I am even implementing this correctly as I never used WP AJAX before. So right now, my objective is just to get a basic example working. I appreciate any suggestions on how to accomplish this.
Thank you!