I have a meta box where a 'Case Result' CPT can be assigned a monetary value (e.g. $60 Million). I need to convert this into a decimal number for use as the meta_key in WP_Query.

I understand how to do the reverse (https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.number-format.php#89888), but want to know if there's a reasonable approach to taking a '$60 Million' string and converting it to '60000000'.

My current query is below, which is re-run across multiple 'Attorney' pages (hence the $attorney_name for terms) to show the only cases they were responsible for. I'd like to order these posts by their monetary value in descending order, but I'm aware the current config (meta_type etc) won't work with the value in it's current string state. Any advice would be massively appreciated.

    // Configure query
    $query = new WP_Query( array(
        'posts_per_page' => -1,
        'post_type' => 'case-result',
        'tax_query' => array(
            array (
                // Filter CPT's to display by taxonomy
                'field' => 'name',
                'taxonomy' => 'case-result-attorney',
                'terms' => $attorney_name,
        // Sort CPT's by meta
        'meta_key' => 'case_claim_value',
        'meta_type' => 'NUMERIC',
        'order' => 'DESC',
        'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
    ) );
  • Your post meta query appears to have been inserted in the middle of a tax query, is this a full code snippet or has it been cut in half?
    – Tom J Nowell
    Commented Feb 2, 2020 at 21:28
  • Hey Tom - messed it up during formatting. Just updated the query Commented Feb 2, 2020 at 21:45

1 Answer 1


For decimal values, use DECIMAL as it says in the official WP_Query documentation:

‘meta_value‘ – Note that a ‘meta_key=keyname‘ must also be present in the query. Note also that the sorting will be alphabetical which is fine for strings (i.e. words), but can be unexpected for numbers (e.g. 1, 3, 34, 4, 56, 6, etc, rather than 1, 3, 4, 6, 34, 56 as you might naturally expect). Use ‘meta_value_num‘ instead for numeric values. You may also specify ‘meta_type‘ if you want to cast the meta value as a specific type. Possible values are ‘NUMERIC’, ‘BINARY’, ‘CHAR’, ‘DATE’, ‘DATETIME’, ‘DECIMAL’, ‘SIGNED’, ‘TIME’, ‘UNSIGNED’, same as in ‘$meta_query‘. When using ‘meta_type’ you can also use ‘meta_value_*’ accordingly. For example, when using DATETIME as ‘meta_type’ you can use ‘meta_value_datetime’ to define order structure.


  • Are these able to be used as parameters in get_posts too? I've tried meta_type as DECIMAL but it doesn't seem to change the output of get_posts
    – Lee
    Commented Aug 11, 2023 at 10:31
  • get_posts is at its core a wrapper around WP_Query, all the parameters work for that reason because it's the same code that uses them. The main differences are that get_posts might specify slightly different defaults, the same way get_pages will change the default post type to page but they're all the same
    – Tom J Nowell
    Commented Aug 11, 2023 at 12:54
  • if you're hoping that get_posts does not support that parameter, or it works differently, then no, that is not the problem and you'll likely have exactly the same issue with WP_Query.
    – Tom J Nowell
    Commented Aug 11, 2023 at 12:55

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