I am having some hard time figuring out why my get_posts function return all posts instead of specific ones.

I have a post type called mall, in it a taxonomy called shop which have two terms Compi and Macho. In the variable $store_name one of these terms is stored (depending on the product which is in the order) and when I am using the variable in terms for the $malls_args, I am getting all the malls. Even those without the term stored in the variable $store_name.

I tried to hard-code the variable and used "Copmi" inside the terms but I am still getting all the malls.

add_action( 'woocommerce_admin_order_data_after_order_details', 'asdf_test' );
function asdf_test( $order ) {

    $dokanOrderManager = new Dokan_Order_Manager();

    $vendor_id = get_post_meta( $order->get_id(), '_dokan_vendor_id', false )[0];

    foreach( $order->get_items() as $item_id => $line_item ) {

        $prod =  $line_item->get_product();
        $prod_id = $prod->get_id();
        $author = get_user_by( 'id', $prod->post->post_author );
        $store_info = dokan_get_store_info( $author->ID );
        $store_name = $store_info['store_name'];
        $store_address = $store_info['address']['street_1'] . ', ' . $store_info['address']['city'];
        $malls_args = array(
            "post_type" => "mall",
            "tax_query" => array(
                "taxonomy" => "shop",
                "field" => "name",
                "terms" => "Compi" // - - - - - - $store_name gives all posts too.

        $malls = get_posts( $malls_args );

        foreach ( $malls as $mall ) {
            echo $mall->ID . '<br/>';



Any idea? If anymore information is needed please tell me and I will do my best to provide it.


1 Answer 1


You are not using correctly the tax_queryargument. This argument takes array of tax query arguments arrays, to allow for complex queries with multiple taxonomies. You can learn more in the WP_Query documentation

This is the correct way:

$malls_args = array(
    "post_type" => "mall",
    "tax_query" => array(
            "taxonomy" => "shop",
            "field" => "name",
            "terms" => "Compi" // - - - - - - $store_name gives all posts too.        

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