I have some custom taxonomy for regions.
Commonly it would look something like this.
USA (parent)
- Arizona (child 1)
- - Phoenix (child 2)
however, there will be cases where it will only be like
- Arizona
- Wales
and maybe even just
In my for loop I get the taxonomy data as $location = get_the_terms( $id, 'listings_region' );
and then in the html/php I can simply write $location[0]->name
and then I get the the name of the first object in the array.
I have however noticed that the taxonomy comes back not in the correct hierarchy - instead, alphabetically.
When I echo '<pre>'; print_r($location); echo '</pre>'
, I get the array and [0] would be Arizona and [1] would be USA.
How can I retrieve it the taxonomy array in the correct order so that ideally [0] is always the parent, [1] is the first child, etc?
Thanks in advance.
can help you achieve that hierarchical display.get_the_terms