I want to use namespace in my plugin. And I have error after PHP_Code_Sniffer check.

Namespaces declared by a theme/plugin should start with the theme/plugin prefix. Found: "eustatos\test_plugin". (WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals.NonPrefixedNamespaceFound)

My folder structure:

└── test-plugin
    ├── composer.json
    ├── phpcs.xml
    ├── test-plugin.php
    └── vendor
// test-plugin.php

namespace eustatos\test_plugin;

phpcs.xml content from here
How I must name namespace?

1 Answer 1


At first, we need to update phpcs.xml.

Let's replace "my_prefix" with your plugin name (then, assuming "eustatos"):

    <rule ref="WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals">
            <property name="prefixes" type="array">
                <element value="eustatos"/>

Then, you can use namespace start with eustatos in project PHP file.


namespace eustatos\test_plugin;


Customizable sniff properties · WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards Wiki

To execute this check one or more prefixes which should be considered valid must be provided via the $prefixes property in your custom ruleset or via the command-line.

If this property is not set, this sniff will not run.

<rule ref="WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals">
      <property name="prefixes" type="array">
          <element value="my_prefix"/>
          <element value="tgmpa"/>


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