i create a button in a current product page after woocommerce_single_product_summary

i would to get information about the current product ( for example name and price) and through the button send an email for get information

this is the code of my functions.php file:

add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary','content_after_addtocart_button' );

function content_after_addtocart_button() { 
echo '<div class="content-section">
<a href="mailto:[email protected]?&subject= Richiesta Informazioni&body= product name ??? product price ??? ">
<input type="button" value="Richiedi Informazioni"/ ></a></div>'; 

anyone can help me ?

1 Answer 1


Please check below code :

add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary','content_after_addtocart_button' );
function content_after_addtocart_button() { 

    global $product;

    $product_title = $product->get_name();
    $product_price = $product->get_price();

    echo '<div class="content-section">
    <a href="mailto:[email protected]?&subject=Richiesta Informazioni&body=' . $product_title . '??? ' . $product_price . ' ??? ">
    <input type="button" value="Richiedi Informazioni"/ ></a></div>'; 

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