I am getting some extra text in some wordpress email. I don't know from where its set.

Here is an example

abctest, 3, rue Passet 3, rue Passet, Lyon, N/A, N/A, Malta enter image description here I check for "woocommerce_email_footer_text" hook, but its not from there.

It's append before **</body>**. I also test for disable all plugin and check one by to check may be some plugin used "wp_footer" hook.

Please help me to fix this issue, I will be very thankful.

Thank you in Advance.

  • Since this email is generated by WooCommerce and not WP Core, you may find more assistance on a Woo-specific site. This site mostly stays away from helping with plugins.
    – WebElaine
    Commented Jan 31, 2019 at 14:41
  • This email is not by WooCommerce, It's generated from WP Mail SMTP test email Commented Jan 31, 2019 at 14:54
  • Ok - please see this site's Help Center wordpress.stackexchange.com/help for more about what is considered on-topic. :) In your situation I'd highly recommend disabling all plugins and testing an email, if possible - or disable all plugins except WP Mail SMTP so that you can send that same test email without any other plugins in the mix. You can determine from that test whether or not another plugin is affecting it. If not, try switching to a default theme and rerun the test, to check whether it's the theme.
    – WebElaine
    Commented Jan 31, 2019 at 16:45
  • I got the solution. It was set from server - Cloudways. Thanks @WebElaine Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 9:28


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