I have a WordPress website at costumesymposium.org.uk.wp which I have not yet migrated to the local host. Recently I received an email saying that the site had automatically been upgraded to wp version 4.9.9. I am not able to log in to wp admin any more.
I tried changing the password via PHP MyAdmin several times and was still unable to log in. I have changed the password line in wp_users back to what it was before.
I also checked db_version in WP_Options and found it is 38590 while the number for 4.9.9 is 43764. Online forums suggest I should see if this matches the field wp_db_version of version.php in Version.php located under wp-include in the folder of the wordpress blog, but I can't find the file to compare them. Where should I find this file?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I don't understand code and am completely stuck as I can't do anything without being able to log in to wp-admin.
I checked version.php located under wp-include and it shows
/** * Holds the WordPress DB revision, increments when changes are made to the WordPress DB schema. * * @global int $wp_db_version */ $wp_db_version = 38590;
So the number matches the version number in WP_options but that number is for version 4.9.8 (which is what I originally installed) and the number for the automatically upgraded version 4.9.9 is 47364. What would happen if I change the number to the latest version? Or should I reinstall Wordpress 4.9.9?