I am trying to "hide" one specific category and all posts on that category by redirecting all links to the homepage.

Currently i am using the below on .htaccess

Redirect 301 "/coming-soon/" "https://www.website.gr"
Redirect 301 "/category/coming-soon/" "https://www.website.gr"
RedirectMatch 301 ^/coming-soon/.*$ "https://www.website.gr"

This partially works with an exception Admins/Editors can't view these pages or preview these posts.

Is there any way i can have these redirect rules to not apply on Admin/Editor users?

1 Answer 1


Uh Oh. You are using absolutely useless method. Posts, categories(and everything in WP) can be freely accessed via different kind of url combinations,feeds,api and etc (so forget your code/htaccess method).

Instead, use php codes in your active theme's functions.php:

if (is_category() )
    global $cat;
    if ($cat->term_id = 123) 
        if (!current_user_can('install_plugins'))



replace category id with desired one.

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