I'm using the following code in functions.php to add rel prev/next tags to paginated contents:

function add_rel_nextprev_to_paginated_content()
global $paged;
if ( get_previous_posts_link() ) { ?><link rel="prev" href="<?php echo get_pagenum_link( $paged - 1 ); ?>"><?php }
if ( get_next_posts_link() ) { ?><link rel="next" href="<?php echo get_pagenum_link( $paged + 1 ); ?>"><?php }
remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head');
add_action('wp_head', 'add_rel_nextprev_to_paginated_content');

This works well for categories, tags and other content, but not the posts that were split into multiple pages by WP's tag.

However, I can't find the right function to call the next page of a paginated post.

Any help is highly appreciated.

1 Answer 1


After some research I found a code snippet that exactly does the job as desired.

See https://orbitingweb.com/blog/adding-next-and-prev-tags-to-paginated-posts/ for details and further explanations.

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