Essentially is there a way to use a function in functions.php to turn the <body> tag into <body class="mobile">? I have code that recognizes mobile devices but right now it's set up to load a mobile.php page include(STYLESHEETPATH."/mobile.php");, which isn't quite what I want.

I've tried all sorts of mobile site plugins like WP mobile, mobify, etc. None of them work the way I want and I'd rather not mess with that anymore. Please don't suggest that.

I know this is kind of a newbie question but I can't find any info on it anywhere. Thanks for your time.

1 Answer 1


The code below works, basically it adds your class to the wordpress body_class() array..

function my_class_names($classes) {
    // add 'class-name' to the $classes array
    $classes[] = 'mobile';
    // return the $classes array
    return $classes;

You can read more on this on the WP codex here

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