This is how I create a database stack and a directory for WordPress in my Ubuntu environment:

cat <<-DBSTACK | mysql -u root -p"${dbrootp}"
    CREATE USER "${domain}"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "${dbuserp}";
    CREATE DATABASE "${domain}";
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ${domain}.* TO "${domain}"@"localhost";

curl -L http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz | tar -zx -C ${domain}/
cp ${domain}/wp-config-sample.php ${domain}/wp-config.php
sed -ir "s/username_here|database_name_here/${domain}/g ; s/password_here/${dbuserp}/g" ${domain}"/ ${domain}/wp-config.php

How would you reduce the amount of code with WP-CLI to get the same result?

1 Answer 1


WP-CLI has a bunch of helpful commands, including some to perform basic database operations.

However, it's not its job to create new users in MySQL and grant them permissions on a newly created database. So that part of your script can't really be replaced with WP-CLI.

You're still in luck though. The wp core command will help you download, install, update and manage a WordPress install. Plus wp config helps you manage the wp-config.php file.

Instead of curl -L http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz | tar -zx -C ${domain}/ you can simply use wp core download to install the latest version of WordPress.

To add the database credentials to the config file, you can use wp config create --dname="${domain}" --dbuser="${domain}" --dbpass=${dbuserp}.

But we're not done yet! Why not fully install WordPress while we're at it? This can be done using wp core install:

wp core install --url=example.com --title=Example --admin_user=supervisor --admin_password=strongpassword [email protected]

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