I´m new in developing Plugins for wordpress.

I need a formular where all viewers of the website can fill in data and send it. The send it-button should save it to database.

So I think the way is to define the shortcut and the Formular in the plugin like this:

function formular() {
  return 'This is html of Formular';
add_shortcode("formular", "formular");

But then I don´t now how to define the Formular with a button to save the data into database. A Database-Table where the data should be saved is already added.

Somebody has got an idea?

1 Answer 1


You can handle that with sending the form to the script admin-post.php with that in the form :

<form method="POST" action="<?php echo admin_url("admin-post.php");?>?action=myPlugin__save_datas">

after that, you use this hook for the PHP treatment

add_action("admin_init", function () {

    if (    !isset($_POST["action"])
        ||  ("myPlugin__save_datas" !== $_POST["action"])
    ) {

    // save datas
    // ...

    // redirection

    $url = home_url("/");



If you want just send form on connected or unconnected user, you have respectively the actions admin_post_myPlugin__save_datas and admin_post_nopriv_myPlugin__save_datas

  • Wouldn't admin_init never get triggered for visitors that aren't logged in? Any particular reason for using admin-post.php instead of the regular ajax?
    – janh
    Commented Nov 25, 2017 at 13:29
  • Hi, I tried your code but there is an error. The error message is "syntax error, unexpected 'function'" Commented Nov 25, 2017 at 18:18

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