I have a URL query string containing a number and it redirects and gives a 404 error as the page does not exist. If I change the value of the parameter to characters it works. I'm guessing it's something to do with wordpress pagenation.
https://www.ppc.com.au/ndeftest?m=23345 'redirects 404 error
https://www.ppc.com.au/ndeftest?m=test 'does not redirect - works as required
I need to pass the number variable to the page. It comes from a standard NTAG feature on smartcards that automatically appends the card serial number to the URL so I don't have many options to change the URL appearance.
(the code on the landing page is not correct, but I will fix that once the parameter is passed)
is the query var for year/month, see Reserved Terms for a list of query string vars that you should avoid.