How can I display only the Month and Year that a page was created?
I have a page that will get changes has a field that shows the month and year. It needs to be in Month and year format like "December 2013"
I previously had this in my template, to display (for example) December 2013:
<time><?php the_time('F Y') ?>:</time>
But since it will only show up on a specific page I wrote this
if ( is_page('about/mission-statement/')) {
$post_month_year = get_post_time(get_option('date_format'), false, $post, true);
echo '<time>' . $post_month_year . ':' . '</time>';
But that gives me the date with the day in addition, December 12, 2013.
So the problem is that variable. I thought I could just do something like
$post_month_year = 'the_time('F Y’)';
I just need the month and year. What did I do wrong and how can I best address this?