This is a rather simple question, so I'll keep it short.

Update1: In this context {page-structure} means just that: page1/page1-1/page1-1-1/{...}.

Update2: For further clarification, I want to do about the same the ACF Post Object field is doing, except I want to do it dynamically based on the URL structure as explained below.

I'm making a custom multilingual site, with a dual page structure (with and without /en). Any page at mysite.com/en/{page-structure} are getting its locale changed to en_US and the content (ACF) is fetched from the corresponding page at mysite.com/{page-structure}. Based on the locale different content is displayed.

How can I on mysite.com/en/{page-structure} automatically get the $post Object from mysite.com/{page-structure} (i.e. without en/)?

(Currently I'm using ACF to fetch fields from the corresponding page by rewriting the field requests, but it I could change the $post Object on the fly, it would make everything a little simpler.)

  • 1
    What's adding the /en? Is it a plugin? A parent page? A different WordPress install? Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 11:17
  • without knowing the contents of {page-structure} it's going to be very difficult to know how to answer this question, especially with the /en/ thing, is that a multilingual plugin? A parent page? How will you know which page it is you want? slug? ID? Please edit your question with more context/details
    – Tom J Nowell
    Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 11:22
  • Question is updated. Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 11:29

3 Answers 3


This is how you can get the post object of a page with a matching path, minus the /en part:

$page_path = get_page_uri( get_queried_object_id() ); // en/page/child-page
$target_page_path = str_replace( 'en/', '', $page_path ); // page/child-page
$target_page = get_page_by_path( $target_page_path ); // WP_Post of target page.
  • 1
    I think @anton-lukin also had a correct answer, but this is simpler – marked as accepted answer. Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 11:51

If I understand correctly the question, the right answer would be to use url_to_postid function.

Then you can setup post id this way:

global $post; 
$post = get_post($post_id, OBJECT);

// your code

  • Ok, with this method I think I can retrieve the ID from the page I want. Now that I have the ID, how do redefine the $post Object to display the data from the page? Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 11:40
  • Updated answer. Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 11:44

Use the $global in before your $post

For example:

global $post;
echo $post->ID;
  • I think you may have misunderstood the question. I've updated it and tried to clarify. Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 11:35

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