I'm working on a job board-type site, and the client want to sell featured posts. They want the featured posts to expire from showing up in the "featured" section after a predetermined period of time, but continue to show up in the rest of the site.
My solution to this problem would be to assign a custom field to posts in the "featured" category stating the number of days it's to be featured for, say, 15. So the logic of the query would be something like: IF the post is category "featured" AND the custom field "featuredexpiredays" IS LESS THAN days since publication, get the post.
I have a script for calculating the number of days since publication, I'm just failing completely at figuring out how to glom all this together into a single query.
Do you have any suggestions on how to do this, or alternately, suggestions of a different way make my site behave in this way? Thanks so much!