I am using WordPress Multisite with Paid Membership Pro for two types of member users (Corporate companies, individuals). I have subsites for the corporate users (ex. corporate.mysite.com) that has member access to content on mysite.com. I have setup different 'Dashboards' for individual tiers and corporate users. For instance a 'rookie' user is redirected to mysite.com/rookie-dashboard/ and a corporate user is redirected to corporate.mysite.com/dashboard/ after logged in. Each member is setup as a subscriber and is assigned a user level ID based on which package they purchased (via PaidMembershipPro)

That said, I'm trying to setup a function switch redirect if a user tries to access the wrong dashboard. Here is what I have setup so far:

 function dashboard_redirect()
    global $current_user, $post;

        switch ($current_user->membership_level->id) {
        case "2":
        // Rookie Member level
        case "3":
        // Player Member level
        case "4":
        // All-Star Member level
        case "5":
        // Coach Member level
        case "6":
        // Owner Member level
        if (! is_page(197) ) { 
            return false; 
        } else {
        case "7":
                if (! is_page('/dashboard/') ) { 
            return false; 
        } else {
        // Corporate


add_action('template_redirect', 'dashboard_redirect');

The issue that I am running into is nulling the process when the right user is on their dashboard page. I get infinite loops if I just have a switch casse with the redirects so I tried adding a if/then to the switch but can't seem to get it to work. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

1 Answer 1


The problem is that template_redirect fires on every public page load. That means that after you redirect a user to a specific page, template_redirect fires again, even if they're already on the correct page. You just need to add a check to see if the current page they are on is same as where they should be.

function dashboard_redirect() {
  global $current_user, $post;

  //* Escape early if not on a 'dashboard' page
  $current = trailingslashit( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ] );
  if( false === stripos( $current, 'dashboard' ) ) {

  switch ( $current_user->membership_level->id ) {
    case "2":
      // Rookie Member level
      $redirect = '/rookie-dashboard/';
    case "3":
      // Player Member level
      $redirect = '/player-dashboard/';
    //* Etc.

  //* Redirect if we're not already on the right page
  $current = trailingslashit( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ] );
  if( $current !== $redirect ) {
    wp_redirect( $redirect );

//* Conditionally add action when user tries to access a 'dashboard' page
$current = trailingslashit( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ] );
if( false !== stripos( $current, 'dashboard' ) ) {
  add_action( 'template_redirect', 'dashboard_redirect' );

Added example code on how you can conditionally add the hook OR how to escape early from the callback if we're not on a dashboard page. Use one or the other. I'd probably use the escape method, but only because it's cleaner.

  • Thanks Nathan! How can I make it so that the template redirect is only triggered on the Dashboard Pages? For instance I have the 5 member level dashboard pages on the main site and the corporate dashboard on the subsite. Right now, the way it's setup I am unable to go to any other page on the site.
    – Danny
    Commented Feb 27, 2017 at 17:40

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