I built an Exercise custom post type with a custom field group using Advanced Custom Fields. The structure uses repeater fields for Week, Day, and Exercise, which creates a series of nested arrays. It looks like this:

Week 1
-- Day 1
---- Exercise 1
---- Exercise 2
-- Day 2
---- Exercise 1
---- Exercise 2
-- Day 3
---- Exercise 1
---- Exercise 2
Week 2
-- Day 1
---- Exercise 1
---- Exercise 2
-- Day 2
---- Exercise 1
---- Exercise 2
-- Day 3
---- Exercise 1
---- Exercise 2

I am able to display all of the contents using nested while loops, but what I want to do is display a singe Day's exercises.

The final page will look like this:

Week 2
Day 3
List of exercises

I have tried different ways to limit output, including using a counter, but that only allows me to stop after X rows. I tried using array_slice, which worked fine on the outer most array level for Weeks, but did not work on the inner arrays.

Any idea how I can display a specific day?

  • My question may be a bit messy. Let me simplify: I have a multidimensional array that is 5 layers deep; post, week, day, exercises, sets. I want to be able to display the contents of the array week 1, day 1, and all exercises and sets in the day 1 row.
    – David Cook
    Commented Jan 20, 2017 at 15:16
  • What does the array look like if you var_dump( $your_array )?
    – Milo
    Commented Jan 20, 2017 at 20:54
  • I actually figured out a way to make it work, though not very clean. Then I figured out the right way; using "while" loop an "if" statement and a counter I was able to get it to work. I will post the code below.
    – David Cook
    Commented Jan 22, 2017 at 2:32

1 Answer 1


I figured it out using a While loop and an If statement with a counter. This solution uses functions from Advanced Custom Fields;

$i = 0;  
while have_rows('week_rows') ): the_row();  

  if( $i == 5 ) {  // stops on the 5th row of 'week_rows' array

endwhile; // I had to move the endwhile up before my display statements 

// add display statements here to display array contents from 5th array row

  • This also works on deeper layers of a multi-dimensional array. In my case I used it to set the "Week" row, and then in the next dimension, to set the "Day" row.
    – David Cook
    Commented Jan 26, 2017 at 15:11

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