I'm looking to add some custom classes to the body element based on theme options.
I've setup two theme options ('rounded_corner_radio' & 'gradient_radio') that successfully output their values to the front-end using echo so I know they're working.
What I now need to do is insert those values into the body class but can't work out how. Here's what I currently have, any suggestions are very welcome.
$rounded_corner_radio = of_get_option( 'rounded_corner_radio' );
$gradient_radio = of_get_option( 'gradient_radio' );
function custom_body_classes( $classes ) {
$classes[] = $rounded_corner_radio;
$classes[] = $gradient_radio;
return $classes;
add_filter( 'body_class','custom_body_classes' );
<body <?php body_class( ''); ?>>
Thanks in advance,