I am pretty experienced with wordpress and php coding but never attempted to create a wordpress plugin until now.
I want to create a plugin that will offer basic functionality for free and extended functionality if activation code is purchased and activated. (it would be nice to have a count and a limit of how many times the activation code can be used)
The free plugin I would like to make available on the wordpress plugins repo and the extended would be available on envato and my personal website.
Can some one advise what is required and the best to get this working? I have seen many plugins on themeforest that work in a similar way!
My initial thought is to have a table in an external database that stores the activation codes. The plugin would make an api request to the external server to check if code exists. Is this the right approach?
Also I have a concern with exposing the plugin code, as a developer could potentially by pass the api which checks for activation code by removing the request and modify the plugin to display the extended functionality.
My initial thought is to have all the plugin codes stored externally and then retrieving them via eval() from api request. Is this the right approach?