I have a problem with the primary nav on a WP i'm developping on local with Wamp. Searched for a solution during hours but without success. Here is my code:
HTML (php)
<div id="primary-nav" class="primary-nav-container" role="navigation">
<ul id="primary-menu" class="sf-menu primary-menu">
<li id="menu-item-8" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page current-menu-item page_item page-item-5 current_page_item menu-item-8"><a href="http://localhost/sw/">HOME</a></li>
<li id="menu-item-241" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-241"><a href="http://localhost/sw/articles/">Articles</a></li>
<li id="menu-item-339" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-339"><a href="http://localhost/sw/blog/">Blog</a></li>
<li id="menu-item-437" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-437"><a href="http://localhost/sw/forum/">Forum</a></li>
CSS highlight
.primary-menu > li > a:hover,
.primary-menu > .current-menu-item > a,
.primary-menu > .sfHover > a {
border-bottom: 5px solid #ddff34;
color: #fff;
I've created a custom page for each category (Articles and Blog) which contain a list of posts, and also a custom page with forum category list. Each menu item is highlighted with the current-menu-item class and it's working well when I call Articles, blog or forum custom page. But when I open a post listed on the pages, which are associated with the category, or when I open a forum thread, the menu item lose his highlight property current-menu-item.
I've tried many approaches found on Google but nothing seems to work for me... probable because I'm not very familiar with JS and PHP so I'm missing something :p
Any help will be much appreciated.