I have been trying to port some previously functional ajax over to a WordPress plugin that I am helping to develop.

On the front end my javascript looks like

// this is inside a succesfully called JS function
   action: 'mbp-deleteFrame',
   url: mbp_Ajax.ajaxurl,
   success: function(resp){

In my main plugin file I also have

   function mbp_admin_scriptInsert(){
         plugins_url('/js/mbp_admin_scripts.js', __FILE__), array('jquery')  );

    wp_enqueue_script( 'mbp_admin_scripts');
    wp_localize_script('mbp_admin_scripts', 'mbp_Ajax', array(
        'ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php' ),



add_action('wp_ajax_mbp-deleteFrame','mbp_deleteFrame_handle' );
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_mbp-deleteFrame','mbp_deleteFrame_handle' );

The other function that my add_action commands refer to is

function mbp_deleteFrame_handle(){

    echo ' This is a response!';


I am just learning how to manage WP interactions with AJAX, but so far it has proved to be a fruitless process.

Right now, my understanding is that i need to pass the url of admin-ajax.php to the JS with wp_localize_script(). From what I can see I have done this, and it has been given to the AJAX call with the line url: mbp_Ajax.ajaxurl. Then, I have action: mbp-deleteFrame, as I understand it, this line should trigger either of the two add_action() functions that I have on the backend, and call "mbp_deleteFrame_handle()". From there, I would think that I would get my echo in a response, but right now, I am only getting a 0, both in my Console, and in Chrome's response tab.

Could anyone give this a second look and tell me where I am falling short?

1 Answer 1


the action has to be an HTTP argument, try that :

    url: mbp_Ajax.ajaxurl,
        deleteFrame: id
        action: 'mbp-deleteFrame',
    success: function(resp){

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