I have a problem understanding the behavior of the Attachment Page Permalinks Into Setting-->Permalinks I have set http://www.example.com/sample-post/ as the preferred setting.
When I upload an image a permalink for the Attachment Page is automatically created. Example:
- I'm into Service (a page) and I upload landscape.jpg to the media gallery.
- The permalink http://www.example.com/services/landscape/ is automatically created
- If I want to create a page at named landscape with services as parent I can't
- When i create the page Landscape wordpress rename it example.com/services/landscape-2/
Is there a way to modify the way WordPress handles the permalinks of Attachment Pages that are automatically created when we upload the images to the media gallery?
- Can we modify all the Attachment Page having into the permalink something like /img-upload/ so wordpress will not get confused ?
- Is it possiible to revert to the old style permalink handling just for the attachment pages? Before with the permalink of the attachment page having this kind of url example.com/?attachment_id=37 we had no this problem.. and for the seo we were just redirecting all the attachment page url to the page that was containing the image; solving in this way the duplicated content issue that was giving the creation of a page with Title description and image...
Thanks in advance!