When I check the file permission on a newly, locally installed Wordpress site (i.e. downloaded from wordpress.org/download) the owner is ll782
(my username) and the group-owner is admin
. Wordpress doesn't seem to belong to either of these.
I'm looking at the permissions for the .htaccess file which I want Wordpress to be able to write to.
e.g. -rw-r--r--@ ll782 admin .htaccess
If I change the permissions to 774 and Wordpress still can't write to this file. I have to change the group to '_www' before Wordpress can update the file. Should I be setting the owner to _www
or is there a better way?
Secondly, if I SFTP the file to the server, will it retain the same owner and group? Will it retain the same permissions?
I'm trying to understand what _www
is and why Wordpress belongs to this user/group on my local server.