
My blog posts index page (http://katievb.com/blog/) is showing only 1 blog post at a time; I want it to show more.

I am currently using X Theme as my WordPress theme, but a similar problem happens even if I try using Twenty Fifteen or Twenty Twelve or other standard themes. (The blog index page still just shows 1 blog post.)

I would think it would show 6 per page like this demo: http://theme.co/x/demo/integrity/1/blog/.

I found this similar (very old) question but it did not help me.

It seems like there is a posts_per_page variable that must be set as 1 right now, and I'd like it to be 6.

But I'm surprised the default would be 1 and that it persists across all themes. Where can I change it, or how can I change my child theme of X?

  • 2
    Maybe this is a silly question, but did you ever go into Customize and change Front Page to "Display a Static Page?" That is the only way I can think that would make it persist across themes (unless you have some sort of plugin interference). Commented Feb 18, 2016 at 2:38
  • 1
    Thanks. Your comment inspired me to go back and look at all the settings again, and I discovered the answer.
    – Ryan
    Commented Feb 18, 2016 at 3:04

1 Answer 1


I went to Settings > Reading (at /wp-admin/options-reading.php).

I already had these settings:

  • Front page displays:
    • A static page
      • Front page: Home
      • Posts page: Blog
  • Blog pages show at most 1 posts

That last line I had never noticed before (even when looking for it right here in this admin panel)!

Rookie mistake.

I was able to change it to 6.

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