I would like to set a button on my site that links to a registration page (this registration is off site by a company called Wufoo so it will not be registering on the WordPress site) if a visitor has not filled out the registration page before. With Wufoo, I have embed code, so when the user clicks the button on my homepage for the first time, they will be taken to a page "/register-for-live" and on this page will be an embedded form. Upon completion of this form. The user will be given a new link to the page that actually has the live stream.
Trying to figure this out, is there a way that if someone has already filled that form out, the button on the home page takes them to the page that actually has the live-streaming event? Or alternatively, if the button goes to the same page when they get there, WordPress can tell they filled out the form and load the live-stream instead?