I have a custom page template and I want it to display as a sidebar.

How to do this? I google it but I did not find any articles/topics about this.

Or how can I create a shortcode for this custom page template?

1 Answer 1


Use a shortcode include plugin and simply add a shortcode inside a text widget in the sidebar you'll be using on the widgets or customizer page.

Here are some example plugins and how they work:

Include Me - [includeme file=”filename.php”]

Custom Content Shortcode - [load file=template/sidebar.html]

Insert Pages Plugin - [insert page='{slug}|{id}' display='title|link|content|all|{custom-template.php}']

Include Shortcode - [include slug="hello-world"]

You could also simply duplicate the template and rename it to sidebar-{pagename}

Duplicate page template, remove commented header inside the file, and rename it sidebar-custom.php.

Then just include that inside the other page template where you want to use it.

<?php get_sidebar ('custom'); ?>

Other methods if you don't want to rename add another file just include it in your template like a sidebar:

(will return template-name.php)

include ('template-name.php'); 

(will return template-name.php)


(will return template-name.php)

locate_template(template-name.php, true);

(will return content-page.php)

get_template_part( 'content', 'page' );

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