We have some shortcodes which are generating CSS styles. there are like options ("Title color, Title box border color,font-size, font-weight").
When user setup the options, it will be generated before the shortcode code started.
.................. (some style, js) ..................
/* I want to put all of css styles into head tag from into body tags */
<style type="text/css">
.sc_title {color:#fff; font-weight:600;}
<div class="sc_wrap">
<h1 class="sc_title">Hello This is the title</h1>
As you may know this is illegal rule for W3C. style tags have to be in "head" tag.
Is there anyway to put them into header tags when css styles have been generated from shortcodes?
I have seen some tips or tutorial saying that I should use wp enqueue style. I don't think it's possible to create each .css files for each shortcodes.
Please advise us if we have missed something or if you have any good idea.
Thank you,