I have a custom post type recipes which has a number of recipe-cut taxonomy terms within it.

The recipes have a landing archive page: /recipes.

Each recipe-cut has a landing page: /recipes/cut/bacon.

There will also be different taxonomies such as occasion and type with the urls such as:

Occasion: /recipes/occasion/breakfast

Type: /recipes/type/healthy

Finally the single recipe pages will be: /recipes/recipe-slug-here

Is this the correct way of organising custom post types, their taxonomies and sections within?

  • I'm unclear what you're looking for. The way you have things set up currently sounds perfectly fine, is there a different way or a modification you'd like to see with your current set up?
    – Howdy_McGee
    Commented Jul 9, 2015 at 18:06

1 Answer 1


There isn't necessarily a "correct" way of doing this. This is basically what happens by default, and if this is what makes sense for your data, then this is the correct thing to do.

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