I am trying to use this code in my WordPress site


    if(get_post_format() == 'video'){   

        function insert_game(){
            get_template_part( 'content', 'video-top' );    

        add_action( 'colormag_after_header', 'insert_game' );

<?php get_header(); ?>

and in content-video-top.php is this code

echo get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'video', true );

The problem is that it doesn't show the custom fields, but after get_header() it works.

1 Answer 1


It seems that at that point, $post is not yet defined, you can make sure by turning debugging on.

Then add this before your get_post_meta( $post...:

global $post;

Or you can replace $post->ID with get_the_ID().

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