I've got the "Widget Logic" plugin installed. I have created my own widget called "Buzz". I have a sidebar with multiple instances of my custom widget "Buzz".
Now, on the Widgets admin page when a sidebar is toggled open and all of the widgets in that sidebar are closed up, you can see a widget name and widget instance title (if one is specified).
For example, if I have 2 instances of my "Buzz" widget with different titles, on the Widget admin page it looks something like:
Buzz: Title 1
Buzz: Title 2
What I would like to do is to display "Widget Logic" value specified for a widget instance under the "widget name: widget instance title" line on the Widget admin page. So, for example:
Buzz: Title 1
Displayed on: is_front_page()
Buzz: Title 2
Displayed on: is_page("page_slug")
Hope that makes sense.
Would really appreciate if any one could help me out with this: how to get the value specified in the "Widget Logic" input box and display it under the widget instance title on the Widget admin page.
Many thanks, Dasha