I'm working on a WordPress plugin and recently I have planned to migrate from SQL to $wpdb. I'm using a method called $wpdb->prepare instead of mysql_real_escape_string but it does not work. Here is what I tried:


echo $fetch_row;


a:5:{s:9:"task_name";s:10:"Backup Now";s:9:"mechanism";s:10:"singleCall"


echo mysql_real_escape_string( $fetch_row )


'a:5:{s:9:\"task_name\";s:10:\"Backup Now\";s:9:\"mechanism\"

After mysql_real_escape_string function executed you can see the difference in the string.

I came along this question on stackexchange so I used $wpdb->prepare($fetch_row) but the output did not change, it is just like the input.

Suggest me where I'm doing mistakes.

  • $wpdb->prepare is not a direct replacement for mysql_real_escape_string, it has more in common with sprintf/printf, and is a little more involved
    – Tom J Nowell
    Commented Jun 29, 2022 at 13:32

1 Answer 1


Check the codex - wpdb::prepare expects the first argument to be a sprintf syntax string, followed by the arguments to be injected (again, just like sprintf):

echo $wpdb->prepare( '%s', $fetch_row );

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