There is no good documentation in the plugin official site

I am trying to making a web shop in WordPress with wp-ecommerce pluign. But i don't find any good documentation in the web. Even the official site for the plugin is not helping.

Do you know any site or good tutorial about the wp-ecommerce plugin? I will really appreciate if you can share your personal experience with me.

  • I hear you loud and clear on this question. Commented May 25, 2011 at 1:35
  • @Sisir please stop flagging this for deletion. There is nothing wrong with the question and it very well might get more useful answers over time.
    – Rarst
    Commented Sep 17, 2011 at 10:00

3 Answers 3


When i first used it I followed the tuts up ate YouTube, here are a few good ones that I have bookmarked:

Installing and Setting up WP-eCommerce WordPress Plugin - Pt: 1

Installing and Setting up WP-eCommerce WordPress Plugin - Pt: 2

profile with helpful videos


The below are the sites which will be more helpful throughout your wp ecommerce projects

It's official site: http://docs.getshopped.org

And further documentation you can visit: http://www.visser.com.au/wp-ecommerce/documentation/


Documentation for the WP e-Commerce Plugin can be found at: http://docs.getshopped.org

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