I'm working on a plugin. I've created an API that reads and writes to a custom table in the DB. This API can be called potentially from N clients simultaneously (and it really happens). I noticed that in this case problems arise. To give a specific example:
if (is_null($wpdb->get_var("SELECT column FROM my_table_name WHERE condition"))) {
// branch 1
else {
// branch 2
In the branch 1 I innocently assume that the variable obtained from the DB is NULL
, but maybe this is no longer true because it has been changed by another thread. I need the guarantee that, at least until the end of branch 1, this condition has not changed.
What's the WordPress-way to solve this problem? Semaphores, file locking, MySQL LOCK TABLE? Or there are better solutions? I searched for a long time on the web, but I wasn't able to find anything definitive. How does WordPress itself do (or the main plugins) in a case like this?