im creating a custom theme for wordpress 4.1.1.
i had encounter a problem with adding a media (an image) to a post.
When I choose an image via the media library, i select it but i only have the choice to insert it into the post.
I know that it's possible to retrieve the image source with "wp_get_attachment_image_src" function so i guess my question if there's a way to link the image without posting it ?
Here's what im trying to do :
<?php while(have_posts()) : the_post;?>
<div class="oeuvre">
<img class="img-oeuvre" src="<?php //should be something dynamic like the_image() ;?>" alt=""/>
<div class="infos-oeuvre">
<p><?php the_title(); ?></p>
<p><?php the_content() ; ?></p>
<a class="btn-oeuvre "ref="" target="_blank">plus d'infos</a>
<?php endwhile; ?>
I'm not posting to have the solution (but feel free to give it if you want to XD) but i'm asking myself if i have the right approach to this issue.
If not, any advice, link or example are welcome !