I have run into an issue with pages on my site. All pages, except child pages redirect to the homepage. I have reset the permalinks several times, so I don't think that is the main issue or concern. All posts and child pages work fine and there are not issues there.

I have created a 'quick fix' by creating a default page called 'page' and have now put all existing pages as a child of 'page'. My issue or concern is that this is a quick fix and is not sustainable in the future of the site.

I have seen everyone refer to the .htaccess file, however, I don't have access to this file. I also don't think this is the culprit as the all other permalinks work fine.

If anyone comes across this and has any idea of how to resolve this issue without a full WP re-install, I would be stoked.

The site is teche.ltc.mq.edu.au

  • can you give some more details about the settings of the page? Interesting would be for example Administration > Settings > Reading > Front Page displays and your permalinks settings. I see that you are using a child theme of twentfourteen. Does the problem also happen when using twentyfourteen? Did you try to deactivate all plugins? To me it looks that somehow always home.php is used as template, because trying to get nonexistent pages also shows the front page's content instead of using the '404.php' template.
    – JHoffmann
    Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 1:10
  • Sorry for the late reply, busy end of year. Yeah the same issue happens when using the twentyfourteen theme. It still happens even after deactivating all plugins.
    – Ollie
    Commented Feb 1, 2015 at 22:04
  • There are lots of pages, all with content. I'm not sure why home.php is being called. It just started happening.
    – Ollie
    Commented Feb 1, 2015 at 22:06


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