I'm developing a new shopping cart plugin for WordPress. At a point, how to save orders, I am stuck, sort of confused. Actually I am not sure whether I should save order through options api or create a new post type to handle Orders. Which approach is the best?? This plugin is not too complicated, it just handles book's shop, so the parameters/options for product are limited.
thanks @Nilambar for your suggestion, if that is the case I have few more questions:
How to prevent admin to create new orders manually( disabling 'add new oreder' )?
And one more thing - Order's post doesn't need title and editor, it will have its own options like order value, order no. etc. but if I don't specify title or editor param in supports array, it shows both by default on order post screen (on new and edit both screens).
What I am experiencing is I have to provide at least one title or editor in supports arrray to disable another otherwise it doesn't work. I want to disable both.