I'm creating a website where I have a need to show a set of posts from a custom loop but I need to display a specific post first.
This post will be dynamically specified in the URI by a $_GET variables. Basically, if that $_GET variable is set, it will contain the ID of the post that I need to display first. I need to somehow modify my custom query to show this post first, then carry on with the rest of the query ordering by date.
Having looked at the WP docs, I can't see a way to do this and my Googling has failed me.
My query is set up as follows:
$review_args = array(
'post_type' => 'surgeonreviews',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'meta_key' => $meta_key,
'orderby' => $sortby,
'order' => $order,
'date_query' => array(
'month' => $_GET['review-month'],
'year' => $_GET['review-year']
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => 'LESC_SurgeonId',
'value' => $post_meta['LES_SurgeonId'][0]
'key' => 'LESC_Rating',
'value' => $_GET['rating'],
'compare' => '>='
Is there any way to achieve this?