I've created a plugin with a new metabox in my post.php. It's working fine on it's own, but the problem is getting it to save it's values if the users choose to press the "Publish/Update/Save" in WordPress itself.

I have tried adding a JQuery function to the #publish item.

This way works, but it brings up an annoying "Are you sure you want to leave this page" because of the window.location.reload() which I can't have there.

                    $("#publish").click(function(e) {

                        // SM Data
                        var data = prepareData();

                        if(data.length !== 0) {
                            for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
                                $.post( postdataAjax.ajaxurl, data[i] );

                        // WP Data
                            url: "post.php",
                            type: "POST",
                            data: $("form#post").serialize(),
                            success: function(response,status) {

                        return true;

For this final solution I have tried using window.onbeforeunload = null and such, but not had any success with it.

This is the full function:

private function __construct() {
    add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'add_custom_metabox' ) );

public function add_custom_metabox() 
    $screens = array( 'post', 'page', 'landing' );
    foreach ( $screens as $screen ) {
            __( '###', $this->plugin_slug ),
            function( $post ) {
                global $slug;
                $html_code = _HTML_Code::get_instance();

                echo $html_code->generate_script_new_publication($post, $slug);
                echo $html_code->generate_script_list($post, $slug);
            }, $screen


public function generate_script_list($post, $slug) 
    global $wpdb;

    $mainTable = $wpdb->prefix.'esm';
    $data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $mainTable WHERE post_id = $post->ID ORDER BY publish_localtime ASC");
    $d_ids = array();
    foreach( $data as $item ) {
        $d_ids[] = $item->id;

    <script type="text/javascript">
        (function ( $ ) {
            "use strict";
            $(function () {
                $(document).ready(function() {
                    var $data_ids = <?php echo json_encode($d_ids); ?>;

                    function prepareData()
                        var $changed = parseInt($("#new-changed-new").val());

                        var data = [];
                        if( $changed == 1 ) {

                        for(var i = 0; i < $data_ids.length; i++) {
                            var item_id = $data_ids[i];
                            var ch = parseInt($("#new-changed-"+item_id).val());

                            if(ch) {
                                var $selected_weekdays = '';
                                    function() { 
                                       $selected_weekdays += $(this).val()+';';

                                var action = "update";
                                if(item_id == "new") {
                                    action = "create";

                                var d = new Date($("#one-time-date-"+item_id).datepicker("getDate"));
                                var d_local = new Date(Date.UTC(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), $("#hour-"+item_id).val(), $("#minute-"+item_id).val(), 0));
                                var d_utc = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), $("#hour-"+item_id).val(), $("#minute-"+item_id).val(), 0);

                                //var d_from = new Date($range_from_year.val(), $range_from_month.val()-1, $range_from_day.val(), $hour.val(), $minute.val(), 0);
                                //var d_to = new Date($range_to_year.val(), $range_to_month.val()-1, $range_to_day.val(), $hour.val(), $minute.val(), 0);

                                var item = [
                                    { 'name': "_wpnonce", 'value' : postdataAjax.nonce },
                                    { 'name' : "action", 'value' : action },
                                    { 'name' : "item-id", 'value' : $("#item-id-"+item_id).val() },
                                    { 'name' : "post-id", 'value' : $("#post-id-"+item_id).val() },
                                    { 'name' : "channel", 'value' : $("#channel-"+item_id).val() },
                                    { 'name' : "text", 'value' : $("#text-"+item_id).val() },
                                    { 'name' : "image_url", 'value' : $("#filepath-"+item_id).val() },
                                    { 'name' : "local_time", 'value' : Math.round(d_local.getTime() / 1000), 'real' : d_local.toJSON() },
                                    { 'name' : "one_time_utc_time", 'value' : Math.round(d_utc.getTime() / 1000), 'real' : d_utc.toJSON() },
                                    //{ 'name' : "range_from_utc_time", 'value' : Math.round(d_from.getTime() / 1000), 'real' : d_from.toJSON() },
                                    //{ 'name' : "range_to_utc_time", 'value' : Math.round(d_to.getTime() / 1000), 'real' : d_to.toJSON() },
                                    { 'name' : "pattern", 'value' : $("#pattern-"+item_id).val() },
                                    { 'name' : "daily-pattern", 'value' : $("input[name=daily-pattern]:checked").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "daily-pattern-specified", 'value' : $("#daily-event-"+item_id+"-spec-day").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "weekly-pattern-specified", 'value' : $("#weekly-event-"+item_id+"-spec").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "weekday", 'value' : $selected_weekdays },
                                    { 'name' : "monthly-pattern", 'value' : $("input[name=monthly-pattern]:checked").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "monthly-pattern-1-day", 'value' : $("#monthly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-1-day").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "monthly-pattern-1-month", 'value' : $("#monthly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-1-month").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "monthly-pattern-2-select-num", 'value' : $("#monthly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-2-select-num").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "monthly-pattern-2-select-weekday", 'value' : $("#monthly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-2-select-weekday").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "monthly-pattern-2-month", 'value' : $("#monthly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-2-month").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "yearly-pattern", 'value' : $("input[name=yearly-pattern]:checked").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "yearly-pattern-frequence", 'value' : $("#yearly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-year").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "yearly-pattern-1-day", 'value' : $("#yearly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-1-day").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "yearly-pattern-1-month", 'value' : $("#yearly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-1-month").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "yearly-select-num", 'value' : $("#yearly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-2-select-num").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "yearly-select-weekday", 'value' : $("#yearly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-2-select-weekday").val() },
                                    { 'name' : "yearly-pattern-2-month", 'value' : $("#yearly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-2-month").val() }

                                switch( $("#channel-"+item_id).val() ) {
                                    case 'Facebook' :
                                        item.push({ 'name' : "publish_account", 'value' : $("input[name=facebook-publish-"+item_id+"]:checked").val() });
                                    case 'Twitter' :
                                        item.push({ 'name' : "publish_account", 'value' : $("input[name=twitter-publish-"+item_id+"]:checked").val() });
                                    default :

                        return data;

                    $("form#post").submit(function(e) {

                        var data = prepareData();

                        if(data.length !== 0) {
                            for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
                                $.post( postdataAjax.ajaxurl, data[i] );
                            url: "post.php",
                            type: "POST",
                            data: $("form#post").serialize(),
                            success: function(response,status) {

                        return true;
    .sm-table {
        width: 100%;
    <table id="sm-table" class="sm-table">
                <th style="width:2%;text-align:center"></th>
                <th style="width:10%;text-align:left;"><?php _e('Channel', $slug); ?></th>
                <th style="width:43%;text-align:left;"><?php _e('Text', $slug); ?></th>
                <th style="width:30%;text-align:right;"><?php _e('Publish Date', $slug); ?></th>
                <th style="width:15%;text-align:right;"><?php _e('Actions', $slug); ?></th>
        <?php if( count($data) !== 0 ) : ?>
            <?php $i = 0; 
            foreach($data as $itemObj) : 
                $item = (array) $itemObj;
            <?php echo $this->generate_script_list_row($post, $item, $i, $slug); ?>
            <?php echo $this->generate_script_publication($post, $item, $slug); ?>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
        <?php else : ?>
                <td colspan="5"><?php _e('No publishing options found.', $slug); ?></td>
        <?php endif; ?>
    $out = ob_get_contents();
    return $out;

So my question is, is what I'm trying to do achievable? How could I do it? An edit to an existing function or a total rewrite?

  • If you created a metabox with a plugin and it doesn't save then the best thing to do is to ask the plugin developer. It is hard to just guess what it does and why it doesn't work as expected. Commented Oct 2, 2014 at 9:59
  • @MarkKaplun Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I developed a plugin that creates a metabox and I try to use this code within it.
    – GauteR
    Commented Oct 2, 2014 at 10:42
  • then there are not enough detail what it is doing and why are you trying to use AJAX Commented Oct 2, 2014 at 10:43
  • 1
    @rnngau, have to say that your designe is strange, why only on publish and not on saving draft? In other words, why to hook on the button and not the frame submission? Commented Oct 2, 2014 at 11:58
  • 1
    Please add additional info as edit to the question - instead of commenting - to prevent a comment explosion. Also you might want to show your full code (incl. the AJAX part) and read questions about ajax and meta boxes on this site to get a starting point.
    – kaiser
    Commented Oct 2, 2014 at 12:54

1 Answer 1


Solved it by using a modal box instead of metabox, forcing the users to finish editing the plugin data, before submitting the regular changes to WP.

    //add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'add_custom_metabox' ) );
    add_action( 'media_buttons_context', array($this, 'add_custom_media_buttons' ) );

    add_action( 'admin_footer', array($this, 'add_esm_edit' ) );

These were the lines that were added to the __construct(). Commented out the old one.

The code itself is a simple link and when clicking it, it brings up the <div> hiding in the admin_footer.

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