I've created a plugin with a new metabox in my post.php. It's working fine on it's own, but the problem is getting it to save it's values if the users choose to press the "Publish/Update/Save" in WordPress itself.
I have tried adding a JQuery function to the #publish
This way works, but it brings up an annoying "Are you sure you want to leave this page" because of the window.location.reload()
which I can't have there.
$("#publish").click(function(e) {
// SM Data
var data = prepareData();
if(data.length !== 0) {
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
$.post( postdataAjax.ajaxurl, data[i] );
// WP Data
url: "post.php",
type: "POST",
data: $("form#post").serialize(),
success: function(response,status) {
return true;
For this final solution I have tried using window.onbeforeunload = null
and such, but not had any success with it.
This is the full function:
private function __construct() {
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'add_custom_metabox' ) );
public function add_custom_metabox()
$screens = array( 'post', 'page', 'landing' );
foreach ( $screens as $screen ) {
__( '###', $this->plugin_slug ),
function( $post ) {
global $slug;
$html_code = _HTML_Code::get_instance();
echo $html_code->generate_script_new_publication($post, $slug);
echo $html_code->generate_script_list($post, $slug);
}, $screen
public function generate_script_list($post, $slug)
global $wpdb;
$mainTable = $wpdb->prefix.'esm';
$data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $mainTable WHERE post_id = $post->ID ORDER BY publish_localtime ASC");
$d_ids = array();
foreach( $data as $item ) {
$d_ids[] = $item->id;
<script type="text/javascript">
(function ( $ ) {
"use strict";
$(function () {
$(document).ready(function() {
var $data_ids = <?php echo json_encode($d_ids); ?>;
function prepareData()
var $changed = parseInt($("#new-changed-new").val());
var data = [];
if( $changed == 1 ) {
for(var i = 0; i < $data_ids.length; i++) {
var item_id = $data_ids[i];
var ch = parseInt($("#new-changed-"+item_id).val());
if(ch) {
var $selected_weekdays = '';
function() {
$selected_weekdays += $(this).val()+';';
var action = "update";
if(item_id == "new") {
action = "create";
var d = new Date($("#one-time-date-"+item_id).datepicker("getDate"));
var d_local = new Date(Date.UTC(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), $("#hour-"+item_id).val(), $("#minute-"+item_id).val(), 0));
var d_utc = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), $("#hour-"+item_id).val(), $("#minute-"+item_id).val(), 0);
//var d_from = new Date($range_from_year.val(), $range_from_month.val()-1, $range_from_day.val(), $hour.val(), $minute.val(), 0);
//var d_to = new Date($range_to_year.val(), $range_to_month.val()-1, $range_to_day.val(), $hour.val(), $minute.val(), 0);
var item = [
{ 'name': "_wpnonce", 'value' : postdataAjax.nonce },
{ 'name' : "action", 'value' : action },
{ 'name' : "item-id", 'value' : $("#item-id-"+item_id).val() },
{ 'name' : "post-id", 'value' : $("#post-id-"+item_id).val() },
{ 'name' : "channel", 'value' : $("#channel-"+item_id).val() },
{ 'name' : "text", 'value' : $("#text-"+item_id).val() },
{ 'name' : "image_url", 'value' : $("#filepath-"+item_id).val() },
{ 'name' : "local_time", 'value' : Math.round(d_local.getTime() / 1000), 'real' : d_local.toJSON() },
{ 'name' : "one_time_utc_time", 'value' : Math.round(d_utc.getTime() / 1000), 'real' : d_utc.toJSON() },
//{ 'name' : "range_from_utc_time", 'value' : Math.round(d_from.getTime() / 1000), 'real' : d_from.toJSON() },
//{ 'name' : "range_to_utc_time", 'value' : Math.round(d_to.getTime() / 1000), 'real' : d_to.toJSON() },
{ 'name' : "pattern", 'value' : $("#pattern-"+item_id).val() },
{ 'name' : "daily-pattern", 'value' : $("input[name=daily-pattern]:checked").val() },
{ 'name' : "daily-pattern-specified", 'value' : $("#daily-event-"+item_id+"-spec-day").val() },
{ 'name' : "weekly-pattern-specified", 'value' : $("#weekly-event-"+item_id+"-spec").val() },
{ 'name' : "weekday", 'value' : $selected_weekdays },
{ 'name' : "monthly-pattern", 'value' : $("input[name=monthly-pattern]:checked").val() },
{ 'name' : "monthly-pattern-1-day", 'value' : $("#monthly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-1-day").val() },
{ 'name' : "monthly-pattern-1-month", 'value' : $("#monthly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-1-month").val() },
{ 'name' : "monthly-pattern-2-select-num", 'value' : $("#monthly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-2-select-num").val() },
{ 'name' : "monthly-pattern-2-select-weekday", 'value' : $("#monthly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-2-select-weekday").val() },
{ 'name' : "monthly-pattern-2-month", 'value' : $("#monthly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-2-month").val() },
{ 'name' : "yearly-pattern", 'value' : $("input[name=yearly-pattern]:checked").val() },
{ 'name' : "yearly-pattern-frequence", 'value' : $("#yearly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-year").val() },
{ 'name' : "yearly-pattern-1-day", 'value' : $("#yearly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-1-day").val() },
{ 'name' : "yearly-pattern-1-month", 'value' : $("#yearly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-1-month").val() },
{ 'name' : "yearly-select-num", 'value' : $("#yearly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-2-select-num").val() },
{ 'name' : "yearly-select-weekday", 'value' : $("#yearly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-2-select-weekday").val() },
{ 'name' : "yearly-pattern-2-month", 'value' : $("#yearly-event-"+item_id+"-pattern-2-month").val() }
switch( $("#channel-"+item_id).val() ) {
case 'Facebook' :
item.push({ 'name' : "publish_account", 'value' : $("input[name=facebook-publish-"+item_id+"]:checked").val() });
case 'Twitter' :
item.push({ 'name' : "publish_account", 'value' : $("input[name=twitter-publish-"+item_id+"]:checked").val() });
default :
return data;
$("form#post").submit(function(e) {
var data = prepareData();
if(data.length !== 0) {
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
$.post( postdataAjax.ajaxurl, data[i] );
url: "post.php",
type: "POST",
data: $("form#post").serialize(),
success: function(response,status) {
return true;
.sm-table {
width: 100%;
<table id="sm-table" class="sm-table">
<th style="width:2%;text-align:center"></th>
<th style="width:10%;text-align:left;"><?php _e('Channel', $slug); ?></th>
<th style="width:43%;text-align:left;"><?php _e('Text', $slug); ?></th>
<th style="width:30%;text-align:right;"><?php _e('Publish Date', $slug); ?></th>
<th style="width:15%;text-align:right;"><?php _e('Actions', $slug); ?></th>
<?php if( count($data) !== 0 ) : ?>
<?php $i = 0;
foreach($data as $itemObj) :
$item = (array) $itemObj;
<?php echo $this->generate_script_list_row($post, $item, $i, $slug); ?>
<?php echo $this->generate_script_publication($post, $item, $slug); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<td colspan="5"><?php _e('No publishing options found.', $slug); ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
$out = ob_get_contents();
return $out;
So my question is, is what I'm trying to do achievable? How could I do it? An edit to an existing function or a total rewrite?