I'm stuck on a plugin I'm writing to show and hide content in large texts. The html below is loaded using shortcode in the text editor.
<p>Completely synergize resource
<a href="#" class="btn-context">
<p class="inside-context">
Dynamically innovate resource-leveling
My jQuery obviously opens all paragraphs with class .inside-context. But there could be multiple shortcodes in one post, so I only want to show the content of the link clicked on.
$(".btn-context").on('click', function (event) {.
if ($('.inside-context').hasClass('open')) {
} else {
I tried:
- Using $(this), but that only works for the link, which doesn't really matter.
- Reaching the closest paragraph with class .inside-context using selectors such as .closest() and .find(), but this isn't going to do it because .inside-context is not nested.
After trying a lot I thought I might be forced to add more attributes to make it work, so I added an ID to both shortcodes and incrementing the value of the ID for every shortcode added. (Just because I don't want to manually set ID's every time I wrap the text in shortcode)
This could work, but I still haven't found a way to make this work with jQuery. My shortcode with incrementing ID.
function context( $content=null ) {
STATIC $id = 0;
$content = preg_replace( '/<br class="nc".\/>/', '', $content );
$result = '<p id="'. $id .'" class="inside-context">';
$result .= do_shortcode( $content );
$result .= '</p>';
return force_balance_tags( $result );
How I should approach this? I wan't to keep it as simple as possible to use in the text editor.
The full thing is in this JSfiddle.
would be the next one from the paragraph containing anchor having classbtn-context