I have a site with a custom post. When I enter that custom post in admin (edit)-page then a form is rendered. This form takes like about 2-3s to render - it's a lot of of values in it - both hidden and not hidden.
When I update this custom post it takes about 2 seconds to update - and after the update it redirects to the custom post and renders the form again, so overall it could take about 8-9 seconds (regeneration of menu, some other stuff that is loaded each time in the wp-admin area).
My question is: Is there any way just to save post data when upate - like hooking ajax-call to UPDATE-button (I really don't have to reload the page cause it doesn't change anything)?
UPDATE: I guess I could something like this (in jQuery)
$( '#publish' ).click( function( e ) {
//ajax call to save current postetc.
//done = alert('post saved');
} );
but would that be right?