I have a custom table called "tags" that contains a charity_id that is a reference to a post ID ... I need to query the "tags" table to grab this charity_id and then pull in the post title and a few of the meta data.

Ideally, the end result would produce the following:

tags.serial_number, post.title, post_meta_data.post_title, post_meta_data.location_city, post_meta_data.location_state, post_meta_data.location_country
  • Why do you want to use a custom MySQL query when the WordPress function get_post_custom($post_id) would do all the work for you once you have the $post_id. I am assuming your post_meta_data.* refers to data in the WordPress table and not a custom table of yours.
    – user27457
    Commented Aug 14, 2014 at 21:20

2 Answers 2


You have to use JOIN for that. Try it like this:

$wpdb->get_results("SELECT tags.*, $wpdb->posts.*, $wpdb->postmeta.*
              FROM tags
              INNER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON tags.charity_id = $wpdb->posts.ID
              INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta ON tags.charity_id = $wpdb->postmeta.post_id
              WHERE tags.charity_id = $charity_id"
  • @MagentaCuda You're right. I overlooked that. get_results() will solve that.
    – sakibmoon
    Commented Aug 14, 2014 at 21:51

Wpdb can solve the custom table problems. But tag.charity_id has to be foreign key of the charity.ID

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