I'm trying to query only the posts that have a post format of audio
. I'm pretty sure I'm doing this wrong. Can I get a little help?
<?php get_header();?>
<section id="content">
<section id="latest-blogs">
$temp = $wp_query;
$wp_query = null;
$wp_query = new WP_Query();
$wp_query -> query('post-format-audio'.'&paged='.$paged)
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<div class="article-wrapper">
<span class="top-left-corner"></span>
<span class="top-right-corner"></span>
<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
<span class="top-corners"></span>
<time datetime="<?php the_time('c'); ?>"><?php the_time('F j, Y'); ?></time>
$myvalue = get_field( "buzzsprout_shortcode" );
echo do_shortcode("$myvalue");
<p class="read-emails"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="View emails and comment on this episode.">View emails and comment on this episode</a></p>
<span class="bottom-corners"></span>
<span class="bottom-left-corner"></span>
<span class="bottom-right-corner"></span>
<?php endwhile;endif; ?>
<div id="pagination">
<?php my_paginate_links(); ?>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>