I'm using -this tutorial- to add simple meta boxes to a custom post type. But the textarea meta boxes are spitting out content all as one big paragraph, with no <p> formatting applied.

What code would add the -wpautop filter- to the meta box textarea? Thanks for any help.

2 Answers 2


Add a function that grabs your meta data, applies wpautop and echoes it out, or otherwise run it through when you output it in your template.

$my_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID,'_my_meta',TRUE);
echo $my_meta['name'];
echo wpautop( $my_meta['description'], 1 );

There is also a good Plugin for this Problem: http://www.bake-the-web.de/2012/03/22/no-wpautop/

It disables wpautop for Excerpt, Content or both.

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