I have two urls, and I want to know how many posts will be displayed there, when I click them. The goal is to show the visitor in the navigation of those urls, how many postings are found there.

As far as I can analyze those urls I would say it's about a category and then about a category and a tag. But pleas tell me if I am wrong.

Here are the two Urls, which actually end up in a blog-roll page (pseudo code):


while category is the string "category"

Is my question somehow clear?

Do I have to use count_posts() function?

1 Answer 1


You could run a new instantiation of WP_Query.

$query = new WP_Query([
    'category_name' => '<category_slug>',
    'tag'           => '<tag_slug>',
    'fields'        => 'ids', // To minimize the query, since we just need a count

More on WP_Query

Then all you need to do is reference (integer) $query->found_posts.

Hope that helps. I don't think there is a better way unfortunately.

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